Strategies to get over the guilt when you want to feel gratitude, but don’t.
Career Coach fr Moms
Strategies to get over the guilt when you want to feel gratitude, but don’t.
Talking about the sensless murder of George Floyd and making a safe space for people of color. #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #ICan’tBreathe #BlackLivesmatter #StopPoliceBrutality
Strategies to help you show self compassion during this difficult time. For the tired, overwhelmed and stressed out mom.
Feelings/emotions activities to help your toddler or preschooler recognize, express or work through their feelings during this challenging and uncertain time.
In my last post, I talked about how we can use the time in quarantine for personal development. Coincidentally, an article came across my newsfeed about how there is this push to make ourselves a project during this time. While I agree that there has been a push to use this time to improve ourselves, […]