My name is Darcey and I created Navigating Motherhood Coaching to help burnt out moms who are unhappy with their current career get unstuck and land a job they love! In addition to being a certified professional career coach, I am also an early childhood educator. I have worked in the early childhood field since 2001. I have a B.S. in mental health and human services and a M.S. in early childhood services. My professional experience and education have provided me with a variety of opportunities that have shaped who I am and the way I coach.

Six years ago, I became a mom and it was one of the most exciting and scary times of my life. Being a single mom, I was overwhelmed with all of my new responsibilities. I had no goals other than to get through each day. I couldn’t tell you what my passions were as my whole identity was wrapped up in being a mother. I felt lost and uncertain about my future, but through my experiences, I have found some useful tools that have helped me create an amazing life for myself and feel more confident in my parenting skills and career path. I’d love to help you create an amazing life as well.
Have you lost your passion for your work? Do you dread getting out of bed each morning? Do you come home stressed out and take it out on your family? Are you feeling stuck and or overwhelmed with changing your career? If any of these apply to you, I’d love to work with you because I’ve been there. I wished I had someone to talk to that understood my struggles without judgement. I wanted an accountability partner to help me create goals and achieve them. I needed to be around others who were supportive and encouraging. As your coach, I will support you in creating and achieving your goals, will guide you in stepping out of your comfort zone, will celebrate your successes and will help you turn losses into opportunities.
As your coach, I believe that the answers are already inside of you. My job is to ask powerful questions that will help you become the best version of yourself and navigate this journey called motherhood.
Are you ready to take the next step? Contact me to book a discovery call where we will discuss where you are in your career journey and how I can support you! Send an E-mail to or call (207) 370-1469.